中國廚房設備網( 日期:2013.5.31 來源:互聯網
Prepare the following programs, which will support women in business-said the Deputy Prime Minister, minister of economy Janusz Piechociński during a press conference on March 8, 2013 MG. in the meeting took part also the Deputy Minister of economy of Ilona Antoniszyn-click, Deputy Minister of the Treasury Pas?awska Deputy Minister and Ursula of labour and social policy Of Ostrowska.
Deputy Prime Minister Piechociński highlighted that women with large success on the boards sit and supervisory boards of companies of the State Treasury and local-level policy form as well. -In our Government sits on 35 of the ladies, which represents over 25% of all Ministers, Secretaries and State podsekretarzy-added.
In the opinion of the Deputy Prime Minister of more and more companies from the SME sector it was initiated activity by women. -Their forethought and rationality are often a source of success. It translates on the good results of our economy, it is therefore important to promote active Polka-spotted.
Deputy Minister of economy of Ilona Antoniszyn-click in turn informed about new projects that will facilitate the entry of women into the labour market. -Program the Katowice Special economic zone "Mama in the work". -She said. In addition, the Business Development Agency Poland-prepared 30 million to support women's business, among others. mentoring advisory projects, she explained.
Deputy Minister Antoniszyn-Klik also added that at the initiative of the Special Fund created Coal Company Jastrz?bska Spó?ka W?glowa MG for the wives of miners who decide to start their own business.
Deputy Prime Minister Janusz Piechociński also took part in the debate, which attracted over 400 women from across the country. Participants of the meeting discussed, among other things. about aligning business opportunities and career paths. A major theme was the issue of pay adjustment.
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